Hi Again
It took Murray over ½ hr extra to load his truck. The problem is the key pad on the load arm side of the plant.
He spent the half hour hitting the key until it finally would accept. This problem has been progressing for a few years. We were are a sliver away from total failure. I believe this needs immediate attention. ( A new key pad.)
I will phone PT and let them know.
Just so we are correctly identifying the problem we should do the built in Multiload keyboard test
The Multiload must be in program mode (bolt removed)
7 zeros then next
Select diagnostics, enter
Keypad test, enter
Then every key you hit (except EXIT which gets you out of test mode) will ECHO back on the screen
Go for the problem keys, enter multiple times at a normal speed
Be sure to count and match presses with what appears on the screen
When done, press EXIT
EXIT all the way out and replace the program key
REPLACEMENT: Authorised personnel only, Hot work permit may be required
Call PT for replacement Keyboard
Keypad went out last night. , Purolator tracking will be forthcoming
Tim please keep this in mind if you know the Purolator person or drop time/location
CRASH the yard, should take the Multiloads down
Disconnect power terminal block from board (lower right side of board inside ML)
Green three position connector
Wear insulated gloves, terminal power live
To replace the keypad, open the front door
Remove the cable from the back of the keypad, locking tab
See the multiple screws that hold the keypad plate in place
ALSO the heater has a LONG screw that goes through the plate and must be removed first
Remove the keypad with light pressure. Old adhesive seal may be holding it in place
Remove the remnants of the adhesive outside seal from the access hole (new keypad has adhesive attached)
Remove the adhesive backing paper from the NEW keypad, precisely locate
Unpack the rubber ineer metal plae seal. Install associated with the retaining screws
Install the backplate with screws. Reinstall the heater, terminate the plug into the back of the keypad
Close up and repower unit
You may go through the kEYPAD test process if you like to verify operation
Hi Tony
Thought about CRASHING the yard but figured that would disturb a lot of suppers.
Unplugging the three pin terminal worked fine.
Board is changed and tested fine.
PS….. do you think the drivers would notice if I installed the board upside-down? LOL.