Listing User Database mylist SYSTEM_USER |
Use mylist and myshow tools to quickly list out user’s logins and passwords.
The myshow command lists the table data with headers. We can quickly see that the first two fields are user_id and password:
[tms6@CNRCFL ~]$ myshow SYSTEM_USER
Fields Size Data
user_id 10 Jill
password 64 Greenergy1
nam 50 Jill
group_id 10 Group100
def_supplier_no 10
def_cust_no 10
def_acct_no 10
user_type 2 00
iso_language 8 en-US
def_carr_no 7
def_destination_no 10
initials 3
secure 20
term_id 7
route_cd 5
pass_mod_date 10 2016-02-10
password_exp_days 3 999
prev_password1 64
prev_password2 64
prev_password3 64
prev_password4 64
timeout 3 15
inactive_flag 1
last_access 19 2016-02-27 17:44:19
Fields Size Data
user_id 10 Jsalvucci
password 64 Vopak2013
nam 50 John Salvucci
group_id 10 Group100
def_supplier_no 10
def_cust_no 10
def_acct_no 10
user_type 2 00
iso_language 8 en-US
def_carr_no 7
def_destination_no 10
initials 3 JS
secure 20
term_id 7
route_cd 5
pass_mod_date 10 2013-08-23
password_exp_days 3 900
prev_password1 64
prev_password2 64
prev_password3 64
prev_password4 64
timeout 3 90
inactive_flag 1 1
last_access 19
The mylist command gives us the same info without headers. But we know that the first two fields are user_id and password:
[tms6@CNRCFL ~]$ mylist SYSTEM_USER
"Jill ","Greenergy1 ","Jill ","Group100 ","","","","00","en-US ","",""," ",""," ","","2016-02-10","999","","","","","15 "," ","2016-02-27 17:44:19"
"Jsalvucci ","Vopak2013 ","John Salvucci ","Group100 ","","","","00","en-US ","","","JS ","","","","2013-08-23","900","","","","","90 ","1",""
Passwords Can be encrypted/ decrypted by toggling and saving the Password Encrypted parameter in System Parameters:
[tms6@b530-west-memphis-prim ~]$ mylist SYSTEM_USER
"Blendtech ","2520c7d2c3d4848f44cdc9d125e05baf ","blendtech ","777 ","","","","00","en-US ","","","bt ","","","","2015-10-16","365","ebb164b441be502bb5bf71352b5dced8 ","","","","180","1","2015-10-16 09:04:07"